Slow Down Podcast #12 (ENG): Heart Chakra Prayer

Added on by Sven Mahr | Zen Coaching.
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This is the start of a series of shorter podcasts (in English) where I introduce a little prayer that helps to redirect loving kindness towards yourself and as such giving you a tool to also forgive others, let go of the past and develop kindness towards others.

In this 1st podcast of this series I am going to introduce the prayer and in the follow up podcasts I will dive deeper into it and explore line by line the meaning of this for our everyday life.

You can also watch the whole series as video on youtube HERE: Heart Chakra Prayer / YouTube Playlist

If you are in pain, fear, holding a grudge towards yourself or others you can try this. Let it sink in. Accept your own vulnerability. Don’t fight it. Sink deeply into it. Sink to the bottom of it. And hopefully realize: the bottom IS Love. That’t the ground of your being… in a way, so to speak.

Heart Chakra Prayer 

I love and accept myself as I am.

I let go of my past, forgive myself and others who have hurt me.

I no longer hold grudges and trust the universe is guiding me to the right people I need in my life.

I am open with my feelings in all relationships.

I willingly release all fears, concerns and worries about giving and receiving love.

I give and receive love through healing, acceptance and compassion.